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Utopia. Le forme dell’aria. Da Leonardo da Vinci a Pagani Utopia

Presentation of the volume with authors Pietro C. Marani, Robert Puyal and Horacio Pagani

January 25, 2024, 5:30 pm, Leonardo Campus, Aula Rogers, Building 11, Via Ampère, 2, Milan

A presentation of the volume Utopia. Le forme dell’aria. Da Leonardo da Vinci a Pagani Utopia (Giunti Editore, Florence, 2023) in the presence of the authors Pietro C. Marani, Robert Puyal and Horacio Pagani.

The new Utopia hypercar, signed by Horacio Pagani, is the focus of this volume celebrating the connection between Art and Science, inspired by the vision of Leonardo da Vinci, an emblematic figure in Pagani's education.

Through the analysis of Leonardo's codices, particularly the pages of the Codice Atlantico preserved in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, the volume reveals the origin and development of the project up to its concretization: from the first pencil stroke to the debut on the road.

Utopia comes to life in a creative ecosystem where individuals, with unique gestures, merge hands and thought. It is a place where form and function meet to solve the great challenges of mechanics, design and form. Here, style is transformed into an aesthetic philosophy, and the dreams of those who desire a Pagani materialize into exclusive creative paths.

Speaking with the authors:
Donatella Sciuto, Rector of Politecnico di Milano;
Fiorenzo Galli, General Director of Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology;
Silvia Piardi, Honorary Professor;
Francesco Zurlo, Dean of the School of Design at Politecnico.

The speakers will present, with picture support, the three parts of which the volume consists:

Free admission by reservation.