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September 2022


August 2025



MUSA. Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action – SPOKE 5


September 2022


August 2025



MUSA - Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action is an Innovation Ecosystem funded by the Ministry of University and Research under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In addition to Politecnico di Milano, the project involves the main Milan Academies, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Università Bocconi, and Università Statale di Milano, joined by numerous public and private partners.

Born in Milan, MUSA addresses the challenges of sustainability in the metropolitan context, proposing a new model of public-private collaboration that is replicable and scalable nationally and internationally.

The MUSA Ecosystem considers the Lombardy territory an ideal laboratory for testing integrated innovations and interdisciplinary responses in six distinct thematic areas (Spoke).

The Department of Design is involved in the following Spoke:

  • Spoke 1 - Urban regeneration - City of tomorrow
  • Spoke 2 - Big Data-Open Data in Life Sciences
  • Spoke 5 - Sustainable Fashion, Luxury and Design
  • Spoke 6 - Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Societies

SPOKE 5 - Sustainable Fashion, Luxury and Design

Spoke 5, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, aims to align Milan's luxury, fashion and design sectors with the highest standards of sustainability through new materials, processes and development models.

This ecosystem, an excellence of Milan and Lombardy, includes about 40 thousand companies operating in the fashion and design sectors, of which more than 13 thousand are active in Milan. Lombardy's luxury industry has long been a brand linked to territorial identity, with a unique and globally recognized heritage and a proven ability to influence trends and business models worldwide.

Spoke 5's project activity fits into this context and aims to facilitate the transition to new business models, based on supply chains guided by principles of sustainability and circularity, in terms of adopting more sustainable raw materials, employing cleaner production processes, and redefining strategies and the valorization of products and brands.

The project aims to hybridize industrial and craft standards with new digital technologies and evolve retail towards a multi-platform logic, focusing on sustainability in the trade of new and second-hand products.

Key actions include:

  • Supporting companies in sustainability self-assessment and roadmap development
  • Helping companies create sustainable business models and collaborate with startups and SMEs, through an innovative platform (Sustainable Luxury Smart Manufacturing and Retailing Platform)
  • Facilitate training and placement of sustainability experts and assess the cultural impact of products in terms of gender and social inclusion

The expected impacts and objectives of the project are on three levels:

  • Adoption of innovative solutions by existing enterprises
  • Development of entrepreneurship and human capital
  • Reduction of relocations and revitalization of physical activities in the territory of Milan and Lombardy

The best practices developed will strengthen the positioning of Lombardy and Milan as a leader in eco-sustainable fashion. Project outputs include the creation of a startup incubator and the sharing of project documentation, such as a database of sustainable materials and processes. MOOCs, open online courses, will also be developed and launched with the aim of raising consumer awareness and promoting more responsible consumption; these courses will offer educational and interactive resources to raise awareness about sustainable practices and the environmental impact of their daily choices, thus encouraging more ethical and conscious behaviors.