Explore the research projects of the Department of Design: search among all projects or use the filters to refine your search.
129 results
Naturalness of autonomous vehicles
Trasformazione digitale e servizi, Design for environments landscape and mobility
Linea di ricerca
FIRE. Fighting illicit firearms trafficking routes and actors at european level
European Union
Trasformazione digitale e servizi
Tipo di finanziamento
PlacPlac. A Digital Scientific Dissemination Format for Data Sprints Results
Algocount. Public Perception of Algorithms in Society. Accounting for the Algorithmic Public Opinion
DIGISER. Digital Innovation in Governance and Public Service Provision
Re-value Rivalta
Spazio ambienti e patrimonio artistico museale, Products strategies and services, Design per la sostenibilita
SCIVOLA. L'accessibilità dei luoghi per eventi
Spazio ambienti e patrimonio artistico museale, Design and cultures, Design for environments landscape and mobility
Il design dei beni culturali per i progetto E.CH.I-Etnografie italo-svizzere
Regione Lombardia
Spazio ambienti e patrimonio artistico museale
Il patrimonio vivente. Per un portale dell’architettura lombarda del XX e XXI secolo.
GIFT. EnGIneering For SporT for all
Politecnico di MILANO
Products strategies and services
DDP. Distributed Design Platform - CTRL+
DDP. Distributed Design Platform - OPEN FOOD FACTORY
DDP. Distributed Design Platform - DELICE Designing Everyday Life in the Covid-19 Era
DDP. Distributed Design Platform - FABCARE
Service Design for Innovation
HECOF. Higher Education Classroom Of the Future
InTransit. Strengthening the resilience of textile, aerospace, and construction SMEs to transition towards greener and more digital sectors with social and business innovation
T-Factor. Challenge the waiting time in urban regeneration
European Commission
En-RRI. Enhancing responsible research and innovation in the co-creation of science and technology
DDP. Distributed Design Platform - NEXT STEPS
Spazi pubblici di lavoro condiviso
easyRights. Enabling immigrants to easily know and exercise their rights
Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Trasformazione digitale e servizi, Products strategies and services
ORBIS. Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales
Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Trasformazione digitale e servizi, Design and cultures
DiDIY. Digital Do It Yourself
European Commision, Horizon 2020
Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Trasformazione digitale e servizi
Open Cometa
Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Products strategies and services
La Scuola dei Quartieri - The School of the Neighbourhoods
Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Design per la sostenibilita
Vivi Calusca. Staging and designing collaborative services for neighbourhood reactivation
TESACO. Technologies émergentes et sagesse collective
Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione
From netizens to metazens. Narratives of virtual worlds and civic engagement on the metaverse
ICS_Materials. Future visions and methods to design interactive, connected and smart materials.
Politecnico di Milano, Fondo d’Ateneo per la Ricerca di Base (FARB)
Siscode. Co-design for society in innovation and science
Con/text. A digital ecosystem to connect textile-knitwear manufacturing with future design talent
Industrie creative e culturali, Trasformazione digitale e servizi, Manifattura avanzata
DigiMooD for CCI. Digital Module of Didactics for Cultural and Creative Industry
Eiuropena Union, Creative Europe Programme Audiovisual Industry and Media Support
Industrie creative e culturali, Trasformazione digitale e servizi, Design and cultures
Design for Meaning
Industrie creative e culturali, Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Trasformazione digitale e servizi, Design and cultures, Products strategies and services
CREA Summer Academy
European Union, Horizon 2020
Industrie creative e culturali, Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Trasformazione digitale e servizi
Design+Strategies (D+S)
ACTS. A Chance Through Sport
Industrie creative e culturali, Nuovi paradigmi di innovazione, Design per la sostenibilita
MILSR. Media and Information Literacy for Societal Resilience through Europe-wide Library Networks
Industrie creative e culturali, Design and cultures
HumanitiesDesign Lab
Fondo d’Ateneo per la Ricerca di Base” (FARB), Politecnico di Milano
Industrie creative e culturali
Human Cities/SMOTIES. Creative works with small and remote places
INNOCULT. Centre of Excellence for Cultural and Creative Innovations in Lithuania - Teaming Phase 1 - HORIZON 2020
Italo Calvino Atlas. Literature and Visualization
Fondo Nazionale Svizzero
ekip. European Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Policy Platform
TANGO. Towards A New interGenerational Openness
European Union, Culture Program
Design per la sostenibilita
LeNS. The Learning Network on Sustainability
European Union, Erasmnus +
Life Cycle Assessment di un manichino tipo e Manuale di linee guida per la progettazione a basso impatto ambientale di manichini
The Learning Network for Sustainable energy systems
Edulink II Program, European Commission
PARIPASSO. Per crescere insieme
Design for environments landscape and mobility
e-SHyIPS. Ecosystem Knowledge in standards for hydrogen implementation on passenger ship
WasToy: was Waste, will be Toy. Combining design and material science to develop made in Italy toys from organic waste through a bioeconomy approach
ESRIUM. Smart road infrastructure usage and maintenance for increased energy efficiency and safety on european road network
Tracks4Crafts. Transforming crafts knowledge for a sustainable, inclusive and economically viable heritage in Europe
DC4DM. Digital Creativity for developing Digital Maturity future skills
EQUI06. Equity and quality for children. Guidelines for implementing the integrated 0-6 system
Urban Nudging Park
Politecnico di Milano - Polisocial
Giovani e Milano. A research-action path between Protagonism, Policies, Spaces and Territory
Artcast4D. Unleash creativity!
ACCEPT. Adaptive Climbing for Cerebral Palsy Training
MUSAE. A Human-Centred Factory for a future technological sustainable development driven by arts
Bìos. Sistema Design Italia for ADI Design Museum
Design and cultures
DensityDesign, Design+Strategies (D+S)
DESIRE. Designing the Irresistible Circular Society
Mapping Nature-based solutions to investigate corporate greenwashing
GAFAM Empire. An exploration of acquisitions by big tech companies
HeriTech4Fashion. Technologies and processes for dissemination and augmented fruition of the technical heritage in the fashion-textile sector
Gianfranco Ferré Research Center, FiP
Genetic Networks of Gustave Roud's Literary Works
Departments of Excellence 2023 - 2027
National Biodiversity Future Center. Spoke 5
Data-driven community engagement per Wiki Loves Monuments
WISH MI. Wellbeing Integrated System of Milan
UGPplus. Enhanced Urban Greening Plans for Biodiversity Mainstreaming in Society
NetZeroCities. Accelerating cities' transition to net zero emissions by 2030
MICS. Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile
OPENVERSE. OPEN and co-created ViRtual worldS for Europe
Base5. Broadband InterfAces and services for Smart Environments enabled by 5G technologies
Out of the Flames. Exploring online engagement around the 2019 Amazon rainforest fires
Bando Leonardo da Vinci 2020
FARB 2014. DET_Design is translation. Il paradigma della traduzione per la cultura del design
GRACE_lab. A research laboratory on therapeutic habitats for Alzheimer's syndrome
Genera Società Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S.
Life+, European Commission
URBREATH. Systemic Integration of Transformative Technical and Nature-basedSolutions to Improve Climate Neutrality of European Cities and Regions and tackle Climate Change
Lighting Design nell’industria
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Social factors and processes that influence the acceptance of refused scientific knowledge
Design a sustainable home. Lighting and wellbeing
Cascina 9. A community-based project for the exchange of skills, stories and creative productions
Fondazione Cariplo
La dimensione di genere nel Design
LeNSin. The international Learning Network of networks on Sustainability
European commission, Erasmus+
Edu4FT. Education for Fashion Tech: Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Fashion in the Digital Era
European Union, Erasmus+
PUDCAD. The Practicing Universal Design Principles in Design Education through a CAD-Based Game
Nestore. Non-intrusive Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activity
campUS. Incubazione e messa in scena di pratiche sociali
Polisocial Award 2013-2014
Tango-Down Athena. Il teatro come hackeraggio del mito urbano
Compagnia di San Paolo, Regione Piemonte
MUSA. Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action – SPOKE 5
DeFINE. Developing a Fashion-Tech Innovation Network for Europe
European Incubation Netvork for CCS, Cosme Work Programme 2017
Re-design eco-efficiente di un distributore di bevande
General Beverage S.r.l.
Network for Visions. Una rete di saperi per la trasformazione urbana guidata dal design
Fondo Giovani Ricercatori 2006 - 2011
Fashion SEEDS. Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability
European Union, Erasmus +
Digital Diorama
MIUR (Italia)
WeMi. Spazio Rimini visual identity system
Piccolo Principe Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
NUVOLE. NUovi processi Volti alla costruzione di Oggetti Leggeri ed Ergonomici in composito e titanio
Tambali Fii. Let's start from here
Politecnico di Milano, Polisocial
Design in gioco
Dipartimento di Design - Fondo Giovani Ricercatori
DIGIKNIT. Digitalization of knitwear
Regione Lombardia,
School of Service Design and Social Innovation
Sustainability in retail
Adidas AG
MaDe. Materials Designers. Boosting Talent Towards Circular Economies
European Union, Creative Europe Programme
Tender Worth II. Boosting competitiveness and innovation capacity of SMEs through creative partnerships and the use of new technologies Worth Partnership II
SOSpesa. Neighborhood Networks for the Recovery, Distribution and Upgrading of Food Surplus
MINI FARB | Design Tools@POLIMI. Definizione di una Tassonomia all’interno del Dipartimento di Design
REGIONE LOMBARDIA - Direzione Generale Culture, Identità e Autonomie
Road-STEAMer. A STEAM roadmap for science education
FoReSeE. Forecasting Retail Service Experience
HOMEDEM. Co-designing a Home with Dementia
BeMyPlace. Interactive Environments and Responsive Design Objects
MUSA Spoke 5 - Sustainable Design-Driven Retail and Service Model
MUSA Spoke 3 – Living Lab Textile “Too Good to Go Wasted”
C-ROADS ITALY. The platform of harmonised C-ITS deployment in Europe
CEF Transport - Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport
Cimulact. Citizen and Multi-Actor consultation on Horizon 2020
European Union, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Human Cities. Challenging the City Scale
Creative Europe Programme of The European Union
POD. Plurisensorial Device to Prevent Occupational Disease
W RE.MEDIA TOOLKIT. Strumenti e artefatti comunicativi nei luoghi della formazione
Fondo giovani ricercatori (2006- 2011) Piattaforma interdisciplinare per la comunicazione di genere: il Design della Comunicazione nella formazione e per il progetto.
PEGASO. Personalised Guidance Services for Optimising lifestyle in teen-agers through awareness, motivation and engagement
European Unit, Seventh Framework Programme FP7
MetaMAT Lab
Service Design Lab
Metodo costruttivo in acciaio per soluzioni industriali e residenziali"
Includi.MI. Local Administration and Social Entrepreneurship for an inclusive Milan
Architectural Perspective. Digital preservation, content access and analytics
Descriptive geometry and colour, a digital representation: the relation form/colour in the field of industrial design. Digital procedures for design colour management and surfaces representation
MeLa. European Museums in an age of migrations
Commissione Europea
Addressing online scientific misinformation in high schools
BUDD-e. Blind-assistive aUtonomous Droid Device
FUEL4DESIGN. Future Education and Literacy for Designers